為什麼I = S 代表了物品市場的均衡 ?
IS-LM Model investment = saving why is it relative to product? and why is I = S 代表了均衡 ? why is not I + G = S + T ?????
The answer depends on what school you are referring to: Under Keynesian / IS-LM world, investment and savings are the possible components of the flow of income which determins output. The more the investment, the bigger the output. The smaller the savings, the greater the output. Since AE = C + I + G + X - M and Y = AE (equilibrium condition) Y = C + I + G + X - M (Y - C) + M = I + G + X S + T + M = I + G + X which means that injection of money is equal to withdrawal under equilibrium, thus determining the national income. I = S in IS-LM represents equilibrium only when there is a non-government closed economy or both the government budget and open trade are balanced (as a simplification sometimes). In Neo-Classical View, investment represents productivity and savings represents thrift, the equality of which determines the interest rate in money market equilibrium instead of product market.