(1_9_9_2)X(1_9_9_2)X(19_92)=1992 填上面空格-加減乘除,令條數岩 thx~
Q: (1_9_9_2) × (1_9_9_2) × (19_92) = 1992. 填上面空格_ 加減乘除, 令條數岩 Sol: 1_9_9_2 is an integer (1_9_9_2) × (1_9_9_2) also an integer (1_9_9_2) × (1_9_9_2) = 1992 ÷ (19_92) 19 - 92 = - 73 1992 ÷ ( - 73 ) is not an integer 19 + 92 = 111 1992 ÷ 111 is not an integer 19 × 92 = 1748 1992 ÷ 1748 is not an integer 19 ÷ 92 = 19/92 1992 ÷ 19/92 is not an integer therefore, there is no solution for you to insert +, -, ×, ÷ into (1_9_9_2) × (1_9_9_2) × (19_92) = 1992 Ans: no solution 2008-01-15 23:11:12 補充: I miss some steps to prove it's no solution, I do it again later. 2008-01-15 23:37:57 補充: If we insert any ÷ symbol in (1_9_9_2), or two (1_9_9_2)s- 73, 111, 1748, 19/92 is not the multiple of 9 or 81so, still get no solution for the equation.hence, no solution at all. 2008-01-16 19:28:47 補充: there is a question similiar to yourhttp://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7008011602731