翻譯成商業英文信件 10點急,不要網站直譯
上次John和我在電話會議中提到,此工程之樣板必須在月底送往英國 現在是否有變,此樣板生產時間約需35天,由於中國在2月初有10天新年假期,如需要安排生產樣板,請及早通知,已便安排
As discussed with John before in the conference calling, the sample for the project must be sent to England. The production leadtimes for the sample is 35 working days and it will have 10 days Lunar chinese New Year holidays in February. Please let us know if it has any changes and if you would like to arrange the production of the sample, please kindly inform us ASAP. Best regards, XXXX
lead time (not leadtimes), 35 days (not 35 working days !) use either please inform or kindly inform but not please kindly inform|||||Last time John mentioned to me at the phone meeting that this project's sample had to be sent to England at the end of February,200x. I would like to know whether this arrangement will be changed. As the sample's production time needs 35 working days and there will have 10 days' holiday during Lunar New Year(in early February 200x) in China , please advise us as early as possible,thus enabling us to arrange the production schedule if you still need the said sample. Hope this helps!|||||In accordance with the telephone conversation between John and I, John mentioned that the sample of this project must be delivered to England by the end of February, please confirm whether or not there is any changes for this arrangement. In view of the lunar new year public holiday of 10 days in China in early February, and the time for the production of the said sample requires about 35 days, if you need the said sample, kindly inform me as soon as possible in order for me to make early arrangement.