呢2個節目我想要中文名!! 佢地係o係2008年05月31日 ( 星期六 )播出!! 09:00pm: 1.迷失部落: 檳城族 10:00pm: 2.國家地理雜誌: 懲獄凶牢 有埋故事大意就最好啦!!(最好係中英對照!!) 千萬個感激!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
你自己咪講左個中文名囉? Tribe May 31, 2008 Saturday at 9pm 檳城族 經過日以繼夜的旅程,Bruce終於可以一嘗心願,到訪多年前遊覽過的婆羅洲。是次拍攝非常危險,因為攝製隊根本未獲當地政府批准拍攝。但Bruce姑且大膽一試,把檳城族的生活展示於世界眼前,更公開非法伐木對環境的嚴重影響,不容錯過! Penan In April 2007, Bruce journeys into the jungles of Sarawak, Borneo, to live with the Penan, a tribe of nomadic hunter-gatherers whose forest home is in the process of being illegally cut down around them. This is an intensely personal journey for Bruce; he has longed to make this film ever since he travelled through Borneo as a young man. As the forest recedes around them, many Penan have been forced to abandon their traditional way of life and settle in government-built villages. However, But somewhere out there, deep in the jungle, the last Penan are still living as they have for thousands of years, hunting wild pigs with blow pipes and moving silently through the trees. This is a dangerous film to make. Bruce is there without government permission and much of the logging is illegal. Bruce attempts to film the devastating impact the logging is having on the Penan and documents a way of life that is about to vanish forever. 2008-08-20 23:23:32 補充: National Geographic: Tornado Intercept May 31, 2008 Saturday at 10pm 國家地理雜誌獲得難能可貴的機會,造訪位於美國加州,世界防守最嚴密的薩哈拉門託國家監獄。由高度分化的牢房設計,以至一絲不苟的高度保安系統,目的只有一個──「控制」這裡的每一個囚犯!不過,最近持續的監獄暴亂卻打破了這個規則,甚至令獄中的「控制」進入癱瘓狀態。囚犯們到底如何得逞,令「受控」變成「失控」?本集將會深入探討,為你剖析鮮為人知的秘密。 因為過左字數限制,所以我無貼埋英文介紹,想睇既話可以去下面個網址。