吹到咩IS-2係"屠虎勇士" 咩T-34/85足Tiger-1隻揪 但係事實IS-2的裝甲連TNT都擋唔到(有張係德軍影住架爆左的IS-2) 同埋以前冇記錯係一張IS-2炸飛炮塔的相 同埋不少T-34/85的屍骸 如果如共產黨講佢地係無敵 點解納粹德軍成日影住蘇聯坦克的屍骸多過蘇聯人影德軍坦克的屍骸呢?
吹到咩IS-2係"屠虎勇士" Well, IS-2 is the only tank that Soviet have that can remotely possible to heads up with a Tiger tank. But in fact, it take more than 1 IS-2 to take down a Tiger Tank. THe reason why they say that is because they were to tasked to counter the tiger, tho doing not very good in eastern front, but is enough to hold the tiger off, primarily, because there are just too little Tiger to start with.... Saying IS-2 is tiger buster is like saying RPG-7 is tank killer, your judge 咩T-34/85足Tiger-1隻揪 Well, this is kind of a extremely overstatement, you can say that is a lie.... Some where i have read, a Single Tiger ran into a group of 40-50 T-34, that Tiger used up all its ammo and retreat, nnot before he killed 22 T-34 another damage to 10 and the rest are retreated. Again, your judge 但係事實IS-2的裝甲連TNT都擋唔到(有張係德軍影住架爆左的IS-2)埋以前冇記錯係一張IS-2炸飛炮塔的相 點解納粹德軍成日影住蘇聯坦克的屍骸多過蘇聯人影德軍坦克的屍骸呢? One word, Propaganda....
我覺得IS-2可以係"屠虎勇士",但加果說T-34/85足Tiger-1隻揪就太過份了,德軍可以用Jagdtiger一炮打穿IS-2的前方裝甲,但IS-2爆左就應該不多,多數IS-2都係因為履帶斷咗而玩完的,但T-34/85就有很多可能,T-34/85=T-34/76的車身+T-34/85砲塔,所以T-34/85玩完有好多可能性,用巴祖卡都可以令一架KingTiger玩完,那你認為用鐵拳/PanzerschreckVS T-34/85 的結果是甚麼呢? 點解納粹德軍成日影住蘇聯坦克的屍骸多過蘇聯人影德軍坦克的屍骸呢? 可能德國人比較住重戰績,蘇聯人多數是用幾架坦克打一架坦克,所以蘇聯坦克屍骸多過德軍坦克屍骸都唔出奇.