- if the last three digits of the square of a positive integer are the same and nonzero,we say that the positive integer is good. for example,-@1@
- 數學題(中一)方程式聽日交help!!!!!@1@
- 40分:「靖難之變」的「靖」字有甚麼意思﹖
- if the last three digits of the square of a positive integer are the same and nonzero,we say that the positive integer is good. for example,-@1@
- 數學題(中一)方程式聽日交help!!!!!@1@
- 40分:「靖難之變」的「靖」字有甚麼意思﹖
*red+u American Red Cross *bgca Boys & Girls Clubs of America *hsus Humane Society of the United States *naf National AIDS Fund *mssoc National MS Society *9mil ninemillion.org *sierra Sierra Club *help StopGlobalWarming.org *komen Susan G. Komen for the Cure *unicef U.S. Fund for UNICEF 1.From your Contacts window, click the arrow next to your name and select "Options". 2.Next to your name, type one of the following codes below for the cause you'd like to support, and click OK. Note – Windows Live? Messenger 8.1 is required to participate. i’m is a new initiative from Windows Live? Messenger. Every time you start a conversation using i’m, Microsoft shares a portion of the program's advertising revenue with some of the world's most effective organizations dedicated to social causes. We've set no cap on the amount we'll donate to each organization. The sky's the limit. There's no charge, so join now and put our money where your mouth is. i’m is about making a difference. Not in a huge expensive way, not in a time-consuming way. But in a simple, effective way. You won't have to change your conversation to change the conversation. With every instant message you help address the issues you feel most passionate about, including poverty, child protection, disease, environmental degradation and animal protection. It's simple. All you have to do is join and start an instant messaging conversation. We'll handle the donation. Once you've signed up, every ad you see in your message window contributes to the grand total we send to the causes. 2007-07-16 21:38:19 補充: 近日網絡熱潮,是大家在MSN 名字旁邊,加了這麼一個「i'm」圖示。這原來是Microsoft 的新計劃。微軟方面的網站介紹說,如果你是在用Windows Live Messenger Version 8.1 或以後的版本,只要在顯示名稱旁邊加上特定的代碼,每次MSN 對方,微軟就會捐出部份廣告收益予指定的慈善機構,而且金額不設上限。現時的收益團體包括美國紅十字會、國際兒童難民援助組織、防止全球溫室效應惡化的機構、世界自然基金會、全球消除貧困與對抗愛滋的組織等團體。 2007-07-16 21:40:11 補充: 其實在「i'm」網站的參加部份,只要你在「Where do you live?」一條中填入美國以外的地方,會顯示以下訊息: 2007-07-16 21:42:48 補充: 「At this time, the i’m? initiative is available only in the United States. You're still welcome to download Windows Live? Messenger; however, you will not be able to participate in the i’m initiative yet. Thank you for your interest」 2007-07-18 13:07:25 補充: 而另一則來自台灣的報導,台灣微軟MSN 行銷經理鍾婉珍表示:MSN 8.1版本的使用者,只要把「IM」這個圖示加在顯示名稱前面,假設你通話對象是美國註冊的使用者,通話的次數可以被累計捐款。另外: 2007-07-18 13:07:45 補充: 台灣微軟公司表示,目前只有註冊在美國的帳號聊天次數才會被累計,但是私下透露您一個小技巧,只要您把個人檔案的所在地區改成美國就可以參加,而台灣分公司也在積極爭取,要將台灣的慈善團體納入捐款標的。即是說,如果你想做善事的話,快點到「https://account.live.com/」更改你的所在地資料,扮作美國人吧。