因為小弟我岩岩先畢業所以對於英文數學完全唔明= 3=幫我列條式出黎呀,如果得閒,幫我寫埋答案呀subtract one hundred and six from two thousand.97minus48plus2330times 5 minus 38 multiply the sum of 3 and 4 by 8 divide the sum of 5 and 17 by 11subtract 14 from 30 and the quotient of 26 divided by2add the product of 6 and 4 to the... 顯示更多 因為小弟我岩岩先畢業 所以對於英文數學完全唔明= 3= 幫我列條式出黎呀,如果得閒,幫我寫埋答案呀 subtract one hundred and six from two thousand. 97minus48plus23 30times 5 minus 38 multiply the sum of 3 and 4 by 8 divide the sum of 5 and 17 by 11 subtract 14 from 30 and the quotient of 26 divided by2 add the product of 6 and 4 to the quotient of 26 divided by 2 the difference between 12 and the quotient of 45 divided by 9
97minus48plus23 =97-48+23 =72 30times 5 minus 38 =30*5-38 =112 multiply the sum of 3 and 4 by 8 =(3+4)*8 =56 divide the sum of 5 and 17 by 11 =(5+17)/11 =2 subtract 14 from 30 and the quotient of 26 divided by2 =唔明 add the product of 6 and 4 to the quotient of 26 divided by 2 =6*4+26/2 =11 the difference between 12 and the quotient of 45 divided by 9 =12-45/9 =7
1. subtract one hundred and six from two thousand. =2000-106 =1894 2. 97minus48plus23 =97-48+23 =72 3. 30times 5 minus 38 =30×5-38 =112 4. multiply the sum of 3 and 4 by 8 =(3+4)×8 =56 5. divide the sum of 5 and 17 by 11 =(5+17)÷11 =2 6. subtract 14 from 30 and the quotient of 26 divided by2 =30-14×26÷2 =208 p.s.↑上面個條唔知係咪Correct?... 7. add the product of 6 and 4 to the quotient of 26 divided by 2 =6×4+26÷2 =11 8. the difference between 12 and the quotient of 45 divided by 9 =12-45÷9 =7 p.s.我都係岩岩先畢業,祝你中一生活順利~