




1.someone set fire to the forests. therefore all the creatures tried to escape. 2.people catch reef food fish so that they can eat them. therefore there are very few reef fod fish left. 3.people catch star tortoises so that they can sell them as pets. therefore there are very few star tortoises left. 4.people catch starfish so that they can make soup. therefore there are very few starfish left. 5.people catch seahorses so that they can make medicine. terefore there are very few seahorses left.





1.The factories produce so much smoke. Therefore, the air in the district is getting worse. 2. He didn't pay attention in class. Therefore, he was punished by the teacher. 3.The sea is polluted. Therefore, we ought to stop throwing things into it. 4.Water is valuable. We should not waste water. Therefore, we ought to turn off hte tap after use. 5.The rainforests are disappearing. Therefore, we ought not to cut down so many trees. 6.Noise from TVs cause noise pollution. Therefore, we ought to turn the volume down.7.Heavy traffic is producing too much smoke. Therefore, we ought to use public transport more often.8.Plastic is not good for the environment. Therefore, we ought not to use too many plastic products. 9.Driving can be dangerous when the roads are wet. Therefore, people ought not to drive too fast in the rain. 10.The exams are coming. Therefore, students ought to put more effort into their work. 11.Many people in Africa do not have enough food to eat. Therefore, we ought not to waste food. 12.People use so much energy nowadays. We are running out of natural resources. Therefore, we ought to save more energy. 13.People build so many tall buildings in the city. The buildings block the air, making the city hotter. Therefore, we ought to leave mor open areas. 14.This book is interesting. Therefore, I enjoy reading it. 15.I have a flu, therefore I don't fo to school today. 16.Jason is not feeling well, therefore he doesn't fo to school. 17.I didn't revise for the English dictation, therefore I got a very low mark. 18.It was the first time Peggy had been to Japan. Therefore, she felt very excited. 19.We were getting tired, therefore we stopped for a rest. 20.We take the bus everyday. Therefore, we are familiar with the bus route. 2012-05-06 19:36:15 補充: Cindy is an honest and kind little girl. Therefore, she has many friends. The swimming gala is only 2 weeks away. Therefore, all of us are very excited. 2012-05-06 19:38:11 補充: 對不起,我不被允許繼續回答 2012-05-06 19:39:44 補充: 我也是親手打的|||||1.People dump rubbish in this back alley.Therefore,there is a very bad smell. 2.The sea is polluted.Therefore,we ought to stop throwing things in it. 3.We should waste water.Therefore, we ought to turn off the tap after use.

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