
幫我釋成英文(50 字)!唔該~





幫我釋成50 字ge 英文感想,唔該 內容: 當我看到這張照片時,令我感到十分難過和悲哀。那個哭著的婦女,拿著那張card哀傷地對著相機鏡頭痛哭。這令我想起假如我就是那個母親我又會怎樣呢?而那個哭著的男人也令我想起假如我就是那個男人我又會怎樣呢?


When I looked at this picture, I felt heartbroken and very sad. The crying woman, holding the card sadly sobbing in front of the camera. This got me thinking if I were that mother, what would I do? And the crying man also makes me think of how I would be if I were that man?


I felt so sad when I saw this picture - The crying mother holding the card in front of the camera ! I started to imagine what would I be if I were that mother, and that man who was also crying also made me wonder if it was me, what can I do ??|||||When I saw this picture, I am very sorry and sad. That the women cried, holding a card sadness going to cry in front of the camera lens. This reminds me if my mother is that I will do what ?and crying that the men also reminds me if I was the man what can I do ?|||||Looking at this photograph, I feel very sad and miserable. That mother, holding a card and crying into the camera, makes me think, what would I do if were her? And that weeping man, what would I do if were him?

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