


1.From number 0 to 100,using only 4s to form each number,use the functions(+,-,*,/,roots,demicals,fraction,factorical,signs of trigonometric functions[sin,cos,etc.],brackets,and exp) to create each number on your list.You can only use 4s,no more or no less.Remember,4^4 counts as two... 顯示更多 1.From number 0 to 100, using only 4s to form each number,use the functions(+,-,*,/,roots,demicals,fraction,factorical,signs of trigonometric functions[sin,cos,etc.],brackets,and exp) to create each number on your list. You can only use 4s,no more or no less.Remember,4^4 counts as two 4s,{唔識打這個symbol...左上角4字,下面有個開方}count one 4,44 counts as two 4s,4.44 counts as three,etc. Do this task. eg.(4/4)^4+4=5 4X4+tan^-1(4/4)=61 Minimum requirements:any 20 numbers!!!


小弟只是想到 80 個.. 見諒見諒。 (4/4)-(4/4) = 0 (4+4)/(4+4) = 1 (4/4)+(4/4) = 2 (4+4+4)/4 = 3 √4+√4+√4-√4 = 4 (4+4/4)!/4! = 5 4!*4/4/4 = 6 (4+4)-(4/4) = 7 (4+4)*(4/4) = 8 (4+4)+(4/4) = 9 √4+√4+√4+4 = 10 44/[√4+√4] = 11 4*4-√4-√4 = 12 44/4+√4 = 13 4*4-4+√4 = 14 4^(√4)-(4/4) = 15 4^(√4)*(4/4) = 16 4^(√4)+(4/4) = 17 4!-√4-√4-√4 = 18 4!-4-(4/4) = 19 4!-4*(4/4) = 20 4!-4+(4/4) = 21 (4!-√4)*(4/4) = 22 (4!-√4)+(4/4) = 23 4!-4+√4+√4 = 24 (4!+√4)-(4/4) = 25 (4!+√4)*(4/4) = 26 4!+4-(4/4) = 27 4!+4*(4/4) = 28 4!+4+(4/4) = 29 (4+4/4)!/4 = 30 4!+4+√4+√4 = 32 4!+4+4+√4 = 34 4!+4+4+4 = 36 arctan(4/4)-4-4 = 37 44-4-√4 = 38 arctan(4/4)-4-√4 = 39 44-√4-√4 = 40 arctan(4/4)-√4-√4 = 41 44-4+√4 = 42 44-(4/4) = 43 44*(4/4) = 44 44+(4/4) = 45 arctan(4/4)+(4/4)=46 4!+4!-(4/4) = 47 4!+4!*(4/4) = 48 4!+4!+(4/4) = 49 44+4+√4 = 50 arctan(4/4)+4+√4 = 51 4!+4!+√4+√4 = 52 arctan(4/4)+4+4 = 53 4!+4!+4+√4 = 54 4!+4!+4+4 = 56 4^4/4-4 = 60 4*4+arctan(4/4) = 61 4^4-(4/4) = 63 4^4*(4/4) = 64 4^4+(4/4) = 65 44+4!-√4 = 66 4!+arctan(4/4)-√4 = 67 4!+4!+4!-4 = 68 44+4!+√4 = 70 4!+arctan(4/4)+√4 = 71 44+4!+4 = 72 4!+arctan(4/4)+4 = 73 4!+4!+4!+√4 = 74 4!+4!+4!+4 = 76 (4!-4)*4 = 80 44*√4-4=84 44*√4-√4=86 4!*4-4*√4 = 88 4!*4-4-√4 = 90 4!*4-√4-√4 = 92 4!*4-4+√4 = 94 4!*4-(4/4) = 95 4!*4*(4/4) = 96 4!*4+(4/4) = 97 4!*4+4-√4 = 98 arctan(4/4)+44 = 99 [4!+(4/4)]*4 = 100 2006-11-28 23:55:06 補充: (√4+√4)!+arctan(4/4) = 69 2006-11-29 00:00:32 補充: 4*4*4-√4 = 62arctan(4/4)+4!+4! = 93 2006-11-29 00:10:05 補充: arcsin(√4/4)+(4/4) = 31arctan(4/4) + arcsin(√4/4) = 75arccos(4-4)-4-4 = 82





如果明明等於 45 degree O既 arctan(4/4) 都可以當 45 o黎用,仲同其他冇單位o既數字加加減減,咁仲有咩事唔可以發生?|||||(4/4)^4+4=5 4X4+tan^-1(4/4)=61

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