
f.1 mathematics





1. The cost of tea A is $3y per gram while the cost of tea B os $2x. Now, @x fo tea Z are mixed with y grams of tea B. (a) Find the total cost of the mixed tea. 2. Consider the following sequence 7,13,25,49... (a) the nxt two terms is... (b) what is the general term of it?


我估計你題目有少少打錯並嘗試更正,如果「更正」錯了,請指出。 ^^ 1. The cost of tea A is $3y per gram while the cost of tea B os $2x. Now, 2x fo tea A are mixed with y grams of tea B. (a) Find the total cost of the mixed tea. Cost of tea A/gram = $3y Cost of tea B/gram = $2x Cost of mixed tea = 2x (cost of tea A/gram) + y (cost of tea B/gram) = 2x (3y) + y (2x) = 6xy + 2xy = 8xy So the mixed tea cost is $8xy. 2. Consider the following sequence 7,13,25,49... (a) the nxt two terms is... Consider 7 = (20)6+1 13 = (21)6+1 25 = (22)6+1 49 = (23)6+1 The next two terms is (24)6+1 = 97 (25)6+1 = 193 (b) what is the general term of it? As from above, the general term is (2i)6+1 where i is any natual number.


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