點樣可以考美國top 50 ge大學?
我今年f.7,考完al,但成績唔理想,所以想問下各位有關美國升學ge問題。1)聽講考左tofel同 sat reasoning test就可以apply 外國 ge大學,唔知係咪呢? 咁sat個subject test我又使唔使考? 如果我想考top 50 ge大學,使唔使再take 其他test?2)我係咪o係11月知道result 就可以即刻apply大學? 我想問如果想入top50 ge大學 tofel 同 sat分別大概要幾多分?3)如果我想攞獎學金,係咪d tests考得好就得架啦?抑或有其他要求?4)我想報10月個sat test,我諗住用3個月去catch... 顯示更多 我今年f.7,考完al,但成績唔理想,所以想問下各位有關美國升學ge問題。 1)聽講考左tofel同 sat reasoning test就可以apply 外國 ge大學,唔知係咪呢? 咁sat個subject test我又使唔使考? 如果我想考top 50 ge大學,使唔使再take 其他test? 2)我係咪o係11月知道result 就可以即刻apply大學? 我想問如果想入top50 ge大學 tofel 同 sat分別大概要幾多分? 3)如果我想攞獎學金,係咪d tests考得好就得架啦?抑或有其他要求? 4)我想報10月個sat test,我諗住用3個月去catch up番哂d野,會唔會唔夠?(因為我想考好d) 如果會ge話又要用幾多時間? 5)有個fd話sat只要背下d vocab已經可以應付,咁grammar呢? 我仲需要識d乜? 6)有咩有用exercises可以幫我準備好d兩個o個tests?
1. Absolutely incorrect. SAT (and TOEFL for non-native students) is a standardized test to average your bias academic performance. You must have your academic performance result to apply for a university. In this case, your A-Level result will be considered (A-Level unfortunately is recognized worldwide). So in this case, you may end up community college. For community college, SAT is an optional test. So if your A-Level is not either A or B, you have a choice not to take SAT. It will be your best to start from community college to increase your chance of advancement. 2. You can apply even you don't have the test score. But again, based on what you have said, I will rather say that SAT will be meaningless to you. In average top universities do not accept SAT score less than 1800 (with limited exception). 3. Your academic performance speaks out for your chance for scholarship. Although some scholarships allow SAT in lien of performance, they are very limited chance. Beside, most scholarships do not available to international students. So it is better to find a way to finance yourself instead. 4. Somehow, the test examines your ability. So I will say it depends on you. 5. Basically, you have to show you can use English without problem. But the thing is even A in AS UE can still have a bad score on SAT. 6. You can buy some test guides. I recommended Princeton Review first (for understanding the test) and Kaplan (for improving score).
1. There is a very good website that you can go to and check it for the school requirements (General admission percentage, SAT/ ACT average score, deadline, etc Besides what you can do is to take toefl test. But of course some good schools do require you to take SAT or ACT (some colleges may need you to take SAT II - Subject test like UC's school) 2. You can request the ACT or SAT tests center to send your score report to the colleges that you want to apply for ( first 4 reports for free). You can apply schools before the scores come out because the college application takes a while to finish it (especially in personal essay part) Again, you can go to collegeboard.com to check the scores requirements - for example, most of the students (UC Berkeley) get a 580-710 on Critical reading (97 % of applicants) 3. Depends on what college you want to go - but general speaking - yes you need to have a competitive grades to apply scholarship 4. I would say 75 % of contents have to deal with english reading and writings, you can study hard, but i would say it is challenging to get a good grade 5. Yes both vocabs and grammar are important, it is important that you need to study both of them 6. well, you can go to Page One book store in Causeway Bay and buy some books which include the examples of SAT and ACT. p.s If you dont know the answer, DONT guess because there is a score penalty if you answers are wrong.