about the maximum relative error
條問題係: if x and y are rounded to 0 and 1 respectively, find the maximum relative error of using the rounded values to evaluate. 1-x over 1+y 更新: thz a lot ar... but how do we do the maximun error= 0.5 and the maximun relative error= 50% .... would you mind to show the detail step to me ma?? thz a lot , because i'm so stupid....
maximum error = 0.5 maximum relative error= 50% The lowest of x = 0.01 highest of x =0.49 The lowest of y =1.01 highest of y =1.49 Range = (1-0.01) over (1+1.01) to (1-0.49) over (1+1.49) 0.492 to 0.205
x is round to 0, therefore x can be greater than -0.5 and less than 0.5 y is round to 1, therefore y can be greater than 0.5 and less than 1.5 (1-x) / (1+y) is maximum when x is minium and y is minimum = [1-(-0.5)] / (1+0.5) = 1 (1-x) / (1+y) is minimum when x is maximum and y is maximum = (1-0.5) / (1+1.5) = 0.25 maximum relative error occur when (1-x) / (1+y) is 0.25 but calculated as 1 Therefore, the maximum relative error = (1-0.25/0.25)x100% = (0.75/0.25)x100% = 300%