20點!!! 幫我翻譯 同 做題目唔該
20點!!! 幫我翻譯 同 做題目唔該幫我上去下面條 link翻譯文章唔該 http://i200.photobuc ket.com/albums/aa41/ hauchifu/1-1.gif或者上呢個 http://hk.geocities. com/hauchifu/234.htm 唔翻譯都做問題啦 幫我做埋下面嘅題目唔該1. Does the writer think being gifted is a blessing? Yes or no2. Do you think it is a blessing or a cruse? (170 字唔該) 顯示更多 20點!!! 幫我翻譯 同 做題目唔該 幫我上去下面條 link翻譯文章唔該 http://i200.photobuc ket.com/albums/aa41/ hauchifu/1-1.gif 或者上呢個 http://hk.geocities. com/hauchifu/234.htm 唔翻譯都做問題啦 幫我做埋下面嘅題目唔該 1. Does the writer think being gifted is a blessing? Yes or no 2. Do you think it is a blessing or a cruse? (170 字唔該)
一個恩賜或是一個咀咒? 成為天才是我們人人渴求的主意. 我們很自然想像出成為天才將較其他人更為突出. 無論如何, 在香港會考有九個"A"一定是每個學生的一個夢想. 在十二歲時考到九個"A"必更是連想都沒想到能實現的大夢想. 而已, 事實並非如此. 因天才可能令一個小孩子的行為異於其他普通同學, 他或她可能被視為"惹事者". 至於其他的, 他/她們的特殊才能可能未被發現, 以致沒有獲得適當的注意及培養. 一個致電電台清談節目的聽眾講述一個被界定為有語言障礙的小童個案, 他不是真的有缺陷, 只是他說英語的程度,遠超過評估他的老師所能明白的. 據稱他現已在進修成為一位成功的醫藥醫生. 答: 1. 雖然開始時好像是, 但因"事實並非如此, ....", 所以答案是"No". (詳細答案請你用自己文字做.) 2. 這是你的個人意見, 試先用自己文字做. 然後再放出來討論吧. 語文是沈出來的. 2007-10-15 20:33:14 補充: 更正: "語文是沈出來的 " 應為 "語文是浸出來的 "
好easy!不過唔枝呀,哈哈! 1.yes 2.blessing|||||A blessing or a curse ? Being gifted is an idea that appeals to us all. It is natural for us to imagine that being gifted will give us an edge over the others. After all, getting nine As in HKCEE must be a dream for students. To get nine As at the age of 12 must be even a bolder dream too be realized. Yet, it is a different story in reality. As being gifted may make a child behave differently from other ordinary students, he or she may be branded as a“trouble-maker”. For others, their special talent may not be recognized, and hence do not receive proper attention and nurturing. A caller to a radio talk show recounted the case of a child who was classified as being deficient in language ability, not because he was really deficient, but because he spoke English with a proficiency beyond the understanding of the teacher who rated him. He was said to have gone on to become a successful medical doctor. 祝福或詛咒? 是有天賦的是喜歡我們全部的想法。它是自然為我們想像, 是有天賦的意志給我們一個邊緣在其他。終究, 得到九和在HKCEE 必須是一個夢想為學生。得到九和在12 歲必須甚而一個更加大膽的夢想太體會。 然而, 這是一個另外故事實際上。作為是有天賦的願使孩子表現與其它普通的學生不同, 他或她也許被烙記作為a"trouble 製作商" 。為其他人, 他們的特別天分不可以被認可, 和因此不接受適當關注和哺育。 一個訪問者對一個無線電脫口秀詳述了作為是被分類短少在語言能力上孩子的事例, 不是因為他真正地短少, 但因為他與熟練講英語在對他估計對老師的理解之外。他說成為一位成功的醫生。