[10分] Writing metaphors
Write metaphors comparing one noun to another unrelated noun. (Please don’t be too simple.) 1. Heart of____________________________2. Mountains of _______________________3. War is a ___________________________4. Tears are___________________________5. Television is ________________________6. Shoes... 顯示更多 Write metaphors comparing one noun to another unrelated noun. (Please don’t be too simple.) 1. Heart of____________________________ 2. Mountains of _______________________ 3. War is a ___________________________ 4. Tears are___________________________ 5. Television is ________________________ 6. Shoes are___________________________ 7. Smiles of ___________________________ 8. Teeth are a __________________________ 9. School is ___________________________ 10. The ocean is a_______________________
1. Heart of gold 2. Mountains of people 3. War is a cruel way of reducing population 4. Tears are pearls of men 5. Television is a time-killer 6. Shoes are vehicles powered by (your) feet 7. Smiles of happiness 8. Teeth are a food cutter 9. School is fun 10. The ocean is a big fish tank